Sunday, July 31, 2005

Frist should be commended for his stand,

Not all Conservatives share this authors inflexibility about
right to life, origins of life, and none of these are
substantiatively part of the republican platform. not
that today's republicans are "conservative" by any stretch.

I'm a republican but haven't voted so for 8 years
because the guy in DC doesn't represent my
views about fiscal conservatism or conservatism in general.

I'm want the political deadlock broken in DC.

thoughtlessly following this president's assine policies,lobbiests and special interest
groups, yes the right to life is an interest group,
has destroyed progress, dialog, action and true conservatism.

I desire that the US be both economically competitive in
the boiological sciences and place a high priority on
solving our extant diseases using stem cell research.

there is too much promise for the 300M citizens to
neglect this opportunity.

I don't agree that legal rights are conferred to a
fetus at conception. this is a moral issue, and
an ethical issue. not a legal issue nor a religious one.
if the author chooses not to vote for Frist,
so be it. but betray what, you're kidding right.

each american should in a free society be able to walk
their conscience presuming it doesn't abridge others rights
and freedoms. the author is confused, trapped in the
swirling diatribe flirting as "conventional" but erroneous wisdom.

this issue is badly polarized and people write emotionally
like this author. Somewhere American's believe that their
opinions now must be lock stepped by their political appointees

i don't think so, they aren't robots and should speak from
the best interests of all americans, not those who go
to church or believe in a particular religious theocracy or
have the fatest billfolds, or offer the most favor.

the system is badly corrupt. Frists departure is a breath of
fresh air in an otherwise dank musty process.


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