Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry - New York Times

Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry - New York Times

Vice President Dick Cheney reasserted that position Tuesday in an interview on "The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer."
Members of Congress "have the right and the responsibility to suggest whatever they want to suggest" about changing wiretap law, Mr. Cheney said. But "we have all the legal authority we need" already, he said, and a public debate over changes in the law could alert Al Qaeda to tactics used by American intelligence officials

har har.. cheney lies again..
so AQ is so stupid that they don't understand what the US is doing.. cheney always includes a complementary Al queda reference, though spy programs are usually understood by friend or foe, the NSA thing is about the white house strictly asserting itself as the strongest of the 3 balancing powers.

gonzalez reports the white house believes it can do whatever it wants.. as long as it has a war on terrror its conducting... s that means no check and balance until the president says so.

i don't think this is what the founding fathers thought. and having exec branch ignore laws passed by the legistlative branch hardly seems in keeping with "uphold the constitution" as its basis is a balance of power. not overreaching or corruption.


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