Thursday, April 14, 2005

tompeters! management consulting leadership training development project management

tompeters! management consulting leadership training development project management

Tom writes about Engagement.. Val Willis sent him an email with gallup results showing that 4/5 of people are "disengaged" at work. interesting .. what is corporate america's role, and responsibility as well as individual responsibility..

with layoffs, outsourcing and a general contempt for employees and their careers, and concerns, corporate america has created a work environment of poor potential production.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

MSN Money - Extra: CEO gave wife $2.2 billion in stock before resigning

MSN Money - Extra: CEO gave wife $2.2 billion in stock before resigning under Warren Buffet's watch.. i thought we were done with Enron like CEO fraud.. yikes..

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

NDOL: A Test of Principle

NDOL: A Test of Principle
I"m a republican, however, i'd like a divorce.
we've got a GOP inspired fiscal crises in DC and now the GOP is suggesting we extend the tax cuts for the 1.3 M multimillions forever.

again, bush's tax cuts of 10T over 10 years, gives 5T of benefits to 1.3M American taxpayers. the other 5T go to 135M taxpayers. maybe if he took the 5T from the most wealthy and distributed that amongst the rest of the americans.

5,000,000,000,000/1,300,000 = 5,000,000/1.3 = 3.84M/tax payer

5,000,000,000,000/130,000,000=5,000,000/130=38.4k/tax payer

which will stimulate the economy more????huh????

Monday, April 11, 2005

AMT ? the tax we??love to hate - Tax Tactics -

AMT ? the tax we??love to hate - Tax Tactics -

remember that despite claims to the contray, congress and president bush have done NOTHING to adjust or eliminate AMT. Bush's promises of tax relief for the middle class is empty.

3M tax payers caught this year, 17.5M tax payers and up to 30M
by 2010.. that's Bush's tax relief .. for the middle class, stealth taxation.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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