Thursday, October 30, 2003

blogging get u fired...whoa...

an Ex MSFT employee was fired for an "alleged" security violation.
By publishing his weblog with a picture of a shipment of G5s in a truck
Of Blogging and Unemployment
Even MSFT Over reacting...

wonder if the MSFT employment contract is specific enough
to make this actionable.
Maybe Lessig can help.
Maybe MSFT got a "special" shipment you think..?

this pretty much sucks for all the parties involved
Has MSFT published blogging guidelines internally.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

FRB: Press Releases -- Monetary Policy -- 2003

The Federal Reserve holds current rates fixed. The FED expresses a greater
optimism that the economy is finally developing some traction seen in some job growth.
Both job and salary increases are necessary prerequisites to economic growth.

click below to read the today's press release or passed reports.
FRB: Press Releases -- Monetary Policy -- 2003
FRB: October 28, 2003 Press Release

Monday, October 27, 2003

Economist, Energy Scarcity or Abundance, GWs walking in 'his' footsteps.....

Many years ago, ( way too many years),
A course at UCD Engineering School, on professional responsibilities spent a few weeks looking
at earth's energy resources and US energy consumption habits. Back then,.... it was a hot topic,
no pun intended... of course.

The projections by the Club of Rome in 1972 forecast a disaster in resource shortages by the turn
of the century. Yet, Somehow, this projected shortage has never materialized. In fact the resource
infrastructure, means of production and energy consumables seem to have grown over the past
few decades. The link above explores this finding.

Distinct from this fact, is another fact.
The US's oil over-indulgence and dependence underscores a true national security issue.
Although the sources of oil have diversified our external dependence on non US sources
is nearly the same levels prior to the "energy crisis".

Now don't go ask a TX oil man about that .... OK, his answer will be, we get the raw crude,
refine it, take a percentage of the income stream and stream the $ into our bank accounts.
Sort of conflict of interest ~No...

My point is.... after decades, since the Carter administration,
the US still doesn't have a decent energy policy; president after US president has sidesteped this issue.

Prez Bush claims to have a "proposal", a way to transform the economy into alternative energy sources,
yet somehow, i suspect, this "policy" will be vague, oil based and wanting in details, creative options and
significant detachment from the MidEast oil reserve consumption problem.

GW's Energy White Paper

Bushes dad was defeated on his 2nd term, for being out of touch and unresponsive to the electorate.
GW seems intent on "walking in his footsteps".

Cost of War

ch ching... ch ching... click click click goes the $.
Cost of WAR

Rumsfeld losing his mojo

apparently even in the "cone of silence", of Maxwell Smart fame, Sec Rumsfeld when
asked what troop levels would be one year from now, song and dances.... tap shuffle
step. time to ditch this guy...

Prez Bush ought to be getting very nervous... ,

we have a serious security problem and the Bush administration attempts positioning
and semantics rather than an honest reassessment and creative imagination and
good ole "elbow grease"

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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