Thursday, February 16, 2006

W Ketchup? | Press Release

W Ketchup? Press Release
google backlash, hat trick to instapundit

google will have extreme difficulty reconciling why they shouldn't turn over records of US citizens, given that they've agreed to do so with communist China. practice needs to be
consistent sergie, brin and eric...

you've openned up flood gates on yourself.
and probably really hurt your shareholders.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

House GOP Won't Revisit Flawed Budget Bill - Yahoo! News

House GOP Won't Revisit Flawed Budget Bill - Yahoo! News

Bush's '87 budget bill isn't constitutional. Roy Blunt Whip R of Montana says "i believe it's law". Of course the constitution is quite specific, and Bush's bill doesn't meet the litmus test, in spite of, respectfully, the R Whip's "belief" system.

Given that all congress swears an oath to the same consitution, members are violating their oath of office.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

WP: Cheney?s response a concern to GOP - Highlights -

WP: Cheney?s response a concern to GOP - Highlights -
callous, insensitive VPeep
like Bush no appologies, even when humanity beckons

"The Left Tries to Muzzle Free Speech"

"The Left Tries to Muzzle Free Speech"
more on this one.. re George Clooney, a smart guy,
with a sense of humour understands MSM is
messed up, corrupt and out of touch.
they've long since stopped challenging this administration

he doesn't fear anything like the author ASSumes
just realizes that we've lost any accountable media,
politic or analysis. it's all gone and he's lamenting

"The Left Tries to Muzzle Free Speech"

"The Left Tries to Muzzle Free Speech"
the "right" talk shows mostly suck.
MSM is "bought" and isn't liberal or conservative or anything
it's just entertainment designed to sell shit.

i think most talk shows suck, most media outlets.
the Bush press secretary, congress and their weasily ways.

discussions of fact cohereent and real problem solving is gone
mostly, our culture is dying, like a cancer, from the inside out
and all the cells are too busy to notice....

this is ANAL ysis.. at it's best.
Limbaugh, give me a break a drug addict with a high school education, ..., fox. news.. fair what.. right...
face it all media sucks.. spends no real time explaining or researching anything.

it's like describing an ocean by detailing a breaker, the ocean is much more varied, deeper and exciting. sure the breakers are visible.. but much more resides underneath the surface.

Oliver Willis ? The Seal Has Been Broken

Oliver Willis ? The Seal Has Been Broken
ari fleisher criticizes cheney and white house handling of shooting someone. he had scotts job in Bush 1..
man we have a lot to worry about, this white house is so
concerned about image they've gone stupid.

Cheney accident has political echoes - Politics -

Cheney accident has political echoes - Politics -

all joking aside, i don't want joking
if any citizen had done same, sheriffs would be out immediately. cheney acts like royalty
mcClellan is a joke defending this ahole

cheney hasn't appologized. it's a brutal man.. indifferent, out of touch, ...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Geek Soap Box: Watch Out, OBL

Geek Soap Box: Watch Out, OBL
batman kicks OBLs ass

Michelle Malkin: HOW MUCH, AL?

Michelle Malkin: HOW MUCH, AL?

Malkin bitches about Al Gore, and the saudis
I ask, why not ask why Bush he hasn't yet caught binLaden

maybe cause he can't have his unitary presidency and
a GWOT without him. bush and crew certainly blew
tora bora, which is incidentally a lot more important
than an Al Gore speech... Michele in case you've forgotten Malkin. White House: Rove considered Abramoff a 'casual acquaintance' White House: Rove considered Abramoff a 'casual acquaintance'

12 visits in the white house
seems a bit more than casual..
rove is lying of course..

KRT Wire | 02/13/2006 | Cheney's companion at fault in shooting, White House says

KRT Wire 02/13/2006 Cheney's companion at fault in shooting, White House says
no wonder we've screwed up in Iraq.
even with an accident the alcholic president can't take responsibility.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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