Saturday, March 25, 2006 | 03/23/2006 | Wal-Mart courts upscale shoppers 03/23/2006 Wal-Mart courts upscale shoppers

upscale shoppers want nothing to do with Walmart's methodology. they don't want to deal with the middle class and lower class, enter the dingy stores and associate with the "common" masses... again.. it's waltonThink, the world doesn't operate on price alone.

wake up!

Friday, March 24, 2006

PBS | I, Cringely . March 9, 2006 - Fortress of Cards

PBS I, Cringely . March 9, 2006 - Fortress of Cards
a badly run war, katrina and congressional earmarks have created a situation where DHS can no longer fund our
homeland security IT infrastructure.

another reason why this president just isn't credible when one
discusses homeland security. he just doesn't really give a shit
if business can be done, it trumps it, political gain, it trumps it.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Times Leader: 'Plan for Victory' : Bush defends war on terror - - The Times Leader

The Times Leader: 'Plan for Victory' : Bush defends war on terror - - The Times Leader
more gibbersh from "fearless leader'.. maybe you can detail your plan to us.... mr president.

what are your specific metrics you track?
how do we measure sucesss?
what is being done to put Iraqi's to work?
what's the unemployment rate in Iraq?
how much power do iraqi's have per day.
how much is your "plan" going to cost?
what is the Iraqi oil production?
what's been accomplished in Iraq, buildings, schools, #jobs
etc. concrete please..

the plan is No Plan, don't be fooled.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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