Bush Vows to Veto Any Effort to Block Port Contract - Los Angeles TimesBush hasn't ever vetoed. let him try, he's already in so much trouble we'll see.
i think outsourcing our already underfunded ports to Dubai,
who laundered Al queda money, contributed 3 9/11 terrorists. isn't a great idea on the facevalue,
of course shame on our president who puts PR and business ahead of america's safety. Rhetoric isn't a replacement for results.
shame on congress, too..
they should be reprimanded for underfunding our ports in the first place.
our homeland isn't secure, its slow uncooridinated and
DHS is a disaster.
i have little confidence that this president and his administration who put PR ahead of elbow grease and sincere transparency...
i say , follow the money, ....mr. i don't know abramhoff.