Saturday, April 29, 2006

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Bush Rejects Calls for Tax on Oil Profits

Guardian Unlimited World Latest Bush Rejects Calls for Tax on Oil Profits

5 years ago dick cheney developed the "secret" US energy policy with oil industry insiders and then said "trust us" without revealing any facts, conclusions, policies. i guess dicks policy amounts to "DO NOTHING"

now 5 years later, like with Iraq, there is no White House energy policy, specifically no strategy to get US companies to improve their refining capacity and lower their utilization numbers out of 90%. and effectively reduce prices.

5 years of wasted time, 5 years where the US could have hastened refinery construction. 3 years or 10 B/mo in Iraq rather than investing that money in the US energy independence.

prices are impacted by supply and demand. if refining is constrained then prices move upwards.

for a "strategic asset" the country's security is again at stake.
but BushCo prefers allowing Americans to experience, 70% price increases over the past 5 years. and do nothing like with the Iraqi insurgency until shit hits the fan.

the GOP and white house have failed america, by arguing about drilling and not using common sense to insist on
reinvesting profits into improving capacity. and engaging in politics rather than proactive thought and real action.

Bush offers nothing new here, more gibberish.

GOP insists market takes care of things, it often does, but no refineries have been built in 2 decades in the US, while all the oil companies have refinery projects in China.

Why China and not the US as well?......

Friday, April 28, 2006

Limbaugh surrenders on drug charge - Crime & Punishment -

Limbaugh surrenders on drug charge - Crime & Punishment -

Limbaugh, arrested today
a drug addict represents the GOP?
where's L stand on anything...
apparently anywhere he pleases,
whether lawful or not - 'Aggravating' stumps Moussaoui jury - Apr 28, 2006 - 'Aggravating' stumps Moussaoui jury - Apr 28, 2006

im no fan o fmoussoui.
but this trial should be thrown out due to interference of the judge. either the judge provides jurors precise definitions of words and terms surrounding the case. or he give em a dictionary.

how in the world can one decide in good conscience whether to assign the death penalty in a criminal proceeding if one doesn't understand the charges and evidence.

this judge is a moron, legal process not withstanding.

Bush Rejects Tax on Oil Companies' Profits - Yahoo! News

Bush Rejects Tax on Oil Companies' Profits - Yahoo! News
Bush rejects taxes but offers no strategy for reducing prices

Thursday, April 27, 2006

House Lobbying Bill, in Peril, Gains Last-Minute Rescue - New York Times

House Lobbying Bill, in Peril, Gains Last-Minute Rescue - New York Times: "'This is a test of who's running the show,' said Representative Jeff Flake of Arizona"

amusing.. i thought the point of the lobby bills was to end the "Culture" of corruption, not perpetuate the Leadership.

guess congressman flake is being er ah FLAKE ey.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush seeks to ease gas pressure - Politics -

Bush seeks to ease gas pressure - Politics -
desperate measures.....
of course he makes it political, but its really a security issue
for the US.

only refineries building will long term ease prices.
Bush recommendations don't include penalties and rewards for building refineries, any environmental specifics or refinery fast tracking.... his suggestions are effette and off the point.

oil companies should lose (or have them reduced)tax breaks, subsidies and allowances, if they don't directly factor in improving supply by added refinining capacity.

it's too tight in the mid 90s, leaving the market at whim of nature, terrorists.

this is a security issue and Bush lacking leadership as usual treats it as a political one.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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