Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hoosiers rally against Iraq war |

Hoosiers rally against Iraq war
hoosiers rally calls for troops immediate return and Bush's impeachment.

Global Guerrillas

Global Guerrillas
Jon rob on US defense strategy, step function vs organic growth

why massive funding of state oriented defense mechanisms will fail
excellent read as always

MPR: Wolves to be delisted

MPR: Wolves to be delisted
Environment: Bush dismantales endangered species act.

TPM Muckraker March 7, 2006 11:20 AM (Printable Format)

TPM Muckraker March 7, 2006 11:20 AM (Printable Format)
mitchell wade under contract with the Whitehouse? Iranian Democratization Foundation. oh he paid Duke Cunningham.

who in white house authorized ...buck stops at schrub

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Enigmatic Paradox: The Gift of Eternity

The Enigmatic Paradox: The Gift of Eternity
Bush give oil companies 65 Billion dollar royaly free oil and gas. - Congress?disappoints deficit hawks - Mar 16, 2006 - Congress?disappoints deficit hawks - Mar 16, 2006
congress votes for more spending
raises debt ceiling to (9 Trillion Dollars) it was 4 Trillion with reagon

partially rescinding taxes for 1.3M wealthiest americans
balances the budget

bush tax cuts give 1Trillion dollars/year to all americans
1/2 to the wealthiest.
you thinks that's fair.

is it fair to use the social security trust account to fund your tax cuts.
and to borrow money in private markets raising interest rates for all americans.. mr bush.

link congression pay to preformance.
balance the buget 1M/year
deficit you pay the country.

and no annual budget deficit exists

Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion - Martin Wolk: Eye on the Economy -

Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion - Martin Wolk: Eye on the Economy -

1 Trillion Dollars..... "dr evil"....
for saddam..... for what.. destroy our way of life
push oil prices to record highs

anyone in the GOP or white house want to talk about this.
1 year of Bush tax cuts.....

Congress boosts borrowing limit by $781b - The Boston Globe

Congress boosts borrowing limit by $781b - The Boston Globe
Bush, GOP and congress spend spend spend
4th debt ceiling increase, 9 Trillion dollars

Bush tax cuts give 1 Trillion/year to taxpayers,
5ooBillion with a B to americas richest tax payers, 1.3 Million
500Billion to the rest of america, 135Million tax payers.

we're raising debt ceilings, doing GOP earmarks, (cause demos can't get anything done, and paying multimillionaires
500 Billion per year, and then borrowing money in the open markets and raising interest rates.

shouldn't america's wealthy contribute to the war on terror rather then the war on America. let' them take a smaller tax cut but keep the budget balanced. What's wrong with the GOP? can't our MBA do a financial statement.


Daily Kos: Can we have investigations NOW?

Daily Kos: Can we have investigations NOW?
GW Law School Professor, Jonathan Turley asserts rather than to swear and defend the US constitution, Bush is dismantling it, starting with the 4th ammendment.
illegal search and seizure "authorized" by congress

backbone anyone.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Daily Kos: Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday

Daily Kos: Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday
Bush speaks about Iraq, again, Maine responds, unenthusiastically and asks for his removal from office.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Daily Whim: Michael Totten on Iraqi Kurds

The Daily Whim: Michael Totten on Iraqi Kurds
Iraqi kurds could teach us about hunting down and destroying Al Queda. our state methods are antiquated in the days of 4th generation open source warfare, and won't have lasting success.

The Daily Whim

The Daily Whim

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Daily Kos: Seeking Censure

Daily Kos: Seeking Censure
Feingold seeks formal censure of Bush for domestic spying.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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