Friday, January 20, 2006 - Justice Department offers legal basis for wiretaps - Jan 20, 2006 - Justice Department offers legal basis for wiretaps - Jan 20, 2006

Pres bush violates FISA, he has ample opportunity under the law to submit warrant requests 3 days after an emergency requests. this is the law, the constitution grants him no special opportunity to dissolve the checks and balances of the 3 branches of government.

Bushs' claim is not supported by constitutional lawyers,
maybe Rush Limbaugh agrees with him, but Rush is a high school educated edutainer and hardly a legal scholar.

the president can't push the executive branch unreasonablely past checks and balances. that undermines a central constitutional principal.

i'm afraid his "political" counteroffensive is just that, not a legal informed opinion.

who cares what the cabal thinks.

"Congress by statute has confirmed and supplemented the president's recognized authority under Article II of the Constitution to conduct such warrantless surveillance to prevent catastrophic attacks on the homeland," the Justice Department document said.

sadly this isn't true.... and they know it. no provision voted by congress in anyway provided our Unitary president with a revision of FISA or any grant of superior powers. he's just the executive one of 3 branches.

Bush knows hes' overreached.. stand down or be impeached. - Politics News - Bush to Campaign Against Criticism of NSA Wiretap Program - Politics News - Bush to Campaign Against Criticism of NSA Wiretap Program

amusing... i break the law of the land FISA,
but its ok, i'll just set up a PR campaign and maintain that it's within my power, even if it expressly violates the law

if i do it right we can stall out past mid term elections,
and maybe even stall the supremes for a couple of years.

there is no defense mr president you're wrong

Rove: War on terrorism central in elections - Politics -

Rove: War on terrorism central in elections - Politics -
shouldn't fitz get this guy!
i'm so sick of Rove.
effectiveness replaced with politics..
your either with us or your against.
even if the country goes down in flames.

bush failed in Iraq
bin laden is free
thousands have died.
sole source contracts
oh i get it .. this is Rove's "War on Terrorism"
those who ask the administration to be accountable

Asshole - Rove: Security will be focus of 2006 campaigns - Jan 20, 2006 - Rove: Security will be focus of 2006 campaigns - Jan 20, 2006

tell rove to shutup; GOP in congress and the president
are ineffective. OBL is free, and threatening the US
this is "security". Fuck you. Mission accomplished my ass
i'm a Republican and i want you all flushed.. the lobbyists
K street, religious right, Rove you yes you asshole.

his "wedge" politics have handed us a country of politicians
not an effective well managed government.

deficits, income redistribution and false tax cuts, War in Iraq, OBL free, republican corruption.

ah yes the party of security....
jeez, how long can this moron rant.

Minority Leader Reid Apologizes to GOP

Minority Leader Reid Apologizes to GOP
never appologize for detailing the truth.
Reid made a mistake.
he should stand by the report, and those with connections to
abramoff.. let them explain their connections.

if congress is going to get cleaned up.
k street needs to be immobolized and congressman
who have engaged in unethical behavior removed.

demo or rep.

Thursday, January 19, 2006 - Archives - GOP TIGHTENS GRIP ON K STREET - Archives - GOP TIGHTENS GRIP ON K STREET
santorum on K street project.. amramhoff, delay, santorum oh my...

Ex-heads of EPA blast Bush on global warming - Environment -

Ex-heads of EPA blast Bush on global warming - Environment -

Bush, an oblique again, pro business, MBA, shows disdain for the environment and it's impact on our citizens, global citizens From a evangelical Christian (fundamentalist) view, it seems irreconciable, God grants us a cornacopia of natural resources constructed of various species, weather, raw materials in balance. Bush ignores that. how? why?

if God were hear discussing this with Bush, how do you suppose the conversation might go?..
amusing.. amazing.. sad..

what a legacy for the worst president of the United States.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 We Don't Need a New King George -- Jan. 23, 2006 -- Page 1 We Don't Need a New King George -- Jan. 23, 2006 -- Page 1

why veto like the constitution mandates when you can provide a signing statement. president bush show utter contempt for the constitution and 3 branches of government.

andrew sullivan describes why

impeach bush.. cheney, corrupt politicos right or left wing NOW! - - "60 Minutes with Murtha and Me."

more glen reynolds.. stuff... Bush, Cheney, et all avoided military service.. glenn likes that and attacks murtha because the congressman actually fought in a war and disagrees with doctrainaire BushCo unitary presidency...

i'm a fiscal conservative republican, all these bastards should be flushed from the president on down. - - double standard on leakers now that the Barrett Report is coming out.

instapundit..wavers far afield .. BushCo is dismantling the consitution, he's defending that.. and talking about clinton...
odd... from a lawyer

Bush taps Norquist for DHS chief financial officer post

Bush taps Norquist for DHS chief financial officer post
unbelievable... Bush hires brother of Norquist, who is
swamped in the middle of the Abramoff affair...

no cronyism... here.. you think bush does this to piss people
off or because hes a moron

MSN Money - CEOs cut pensions, pad their own

MSN Money - CEOs cut pensions, pad their own

its remarkable that in BushWorld execs feel completely justified in slashing pensions and expanding their own pay packages, boardrooms and executives are dangerously exploiting their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders and the corporation, and abandoning the trust of their labor pool.

Bush has fused excess and elitism with the decline of american business. IBM is a perfect snapshot of Bush philosophy.
screw the little guy, screw the middle class.

the rich and the even richer.... asshole

Scandals are bleeding GOP

Scandals are bleeding GOP
its disgusting
if people want politics to be more honorable and ethical
the money has to be removed and transparent.

having GOP the current GOP, the fiscal nimrods, define
reforms is seriously to borrow a very tired metaphore,
like a fox in the hen house.

how can these guys keep a straight face..

pay em 2M/yr.
make a money, gifts, soft money, donations completely registered and transparent.
make PACs detail their funding, associations and connections,
with political groups, lobbiests, etc.
and make the laws on Politicians, massively pucuniary.

this way everyone knows whats up whether moveon or swift boat.. and BS is registered as such.

lawyers often look at strictly what's legal, what they can get away with, too few have any sense of the greater good.
certainly too few in DC who swore to uphold the constitution first the party second... a bunch of cowards

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

U.S. Newswire : Releases : "Statement by Former Vice President Al Gore"

U.S. Newswire : Releases : "Statement by Former Vice President Al Gore"

Bush administration breaks FISA law.
empire king Bush declares above law.
Gore calls a spade a spade.

your breaking the constitution and law of the land
that you swore to uphold mr. president.
step down or be impeached.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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