Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Daily Kos: Where Turd Blossom Goes, A Talking Point Blooms

Daily Kos: Where Turd Blossom Goes, A Talking Point Blooms

ROVE LIES again! even in the midst of the Katrina federal disaster program, Rove lies and asserts White House was on top of things

Prove it Karl, Turdblossom, dumb ass.
what's your evidence mr. BS talking points.

supply your evidence... or shutup.

Daily Kos: Blocking the Media?

Daily Kos: Blocking the Media?

Bush administration, reeling from inneptitude and mismanagement, blocks freedom of the press in the UNITED STATES. Bush Administration repeals the 1st ammendment... ..ddeeee deeee
news at 11.

Alcholic president can't take responsibility for anything,
he truly doens't appreciate the majesty and wisdom of our country and her institutions, instead.. he corrupts them in the name of
megalomania...and personal power.

the fact that the National Guard now bars entry (by journalists) to the very places where people last week were barred from LEAVING (The Convention Center and Superdome) is a kind of perverse and perfectly backward postscript to this awful chapter in American history.
The lockdown on the Media is in full swing. What say you our "bulldog" Media?

What's My Motivation? - The Department of Homeland Security is doomed to failure without a structural overhaul. By Fred?Kaplan

What's My Motivation? - The Department of Homeland Security is doomed to failure without a structural overhaul. By Fred?Kaplan: "Within FEMA, budgets were slashed two years running for the office that coordinates disaster-relief and preparedness with state and local agencies. The Army Corps of Engineers, which maintains floodgates, among other things, was also denied urgent requests for increases. One of the few high-level officials whom President George W. Bush has ever fired was Mike Parker, the assistant secretary of the Army for public works, after he testified before Congress in March 2002 about the disastrous effects of budget cuts on the Army Corps of Engineers' water projects."

John Robb's Weblog: Katrina Timeline

John Robb's Weblog: Katrina Timeline

Katrina timeline, Congressional and Administration high crimes.

John Robb's Weblog: The Trail of Mismanagement

John Robb's Weblog: The Trail of Mismanagement

from John Robb,
on WSJ accounting of Presidential and Congressional decisions since
9/11 that have introduced systemic failures and breakdowns.

"We may be worse off today than before 9/11 at fighting terrorism."

Online reunion efforts overlap, confuse some - Tech News & Reviews -

Online reunion efforts overlap, confuse some - Tech News & Reviews -

10 days later, Feds can't even hook up the missing with a federal registry, even though most probably have federal id.more Bush administration incompetence,

Democrats declare open season on Bush - Hurricane Katrina -

Democrats declare open season on Bush - Hurricane Katrina -

Brown should be fired. the buck stops at Bush...

Wrong Priorities? - Newsweek Hurricane Katrina Coverage -

how GWOT and Bush administration corruption with contractors, lobbyists, levi budget cuttingand innept FEMA, Homeland Security management left america defenseless against nature.

Bush's GWOT is a joke. now he's trying to blame others..for his mismanagement

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Rice defends Bush?s Katrina response - Hurricane Katrina -

maybe Dr. Rice could stop kissing bush's ass for a moment,
and explain why congress and the administration, didn't execute.
see john Robbs blog on ..
the Feds should have acted
the 'bush enacted' National Response Plan.

to the president's credit a plan was in place,
like 9/11 and "my pet goat", the plan sat on the shelf
and Stanford prof, Dr. Rice is busy defending negligence.
Instead, distance, Dr. Rice, more distance.. you want.

Criminal Negligence
see comments by larry johnson, US special forces, on negligence

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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