Saturday, October 15, 2005

Bush confident in Fed addressing inflation

Bush confident in Fed addressing inflation,
yes but who has any confidence in what Bush thinks,
fiscal jack ass

The White House, the CIA, and the Wilsons

The White House, the CIA, and the Wilsons
instap... quotes a backgrounder on Wilson/Plame, it's an interesting history lesson
but he underplays malfeasance. I think rove is hardly incompetent,
his moves are calculated and specific. and the outing wasn't
an accident, it was a "plausible leak"...

that's what fitzerald will reveal in the next couple of weeks,
the only question will be who takes the javelin throw,
libby, rove, both, cheney, all of the above, miller,
and whether a conspiracy in the west wing is at play.
that's not incompetence, it's a deliberate arrogant calculated act.

rove and crew is "accidental"... get real..

They Call Us, "Doc": Speaking with President Bush

a soldier ron long writes about staging and speaking with the president

you deserve our support sir, but the president is manipulating facts and running agenda at yours and countries expense, defending Bush is ludicrous. he's destroying your opportunities, for his business buddies and ideology.

i appreciate you were impressed by the opportunity to speak with POTUS. but so what....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Does al-Zarqawi exist?

Does al-Zarqawi exist?

CIA gets big Big Brother

CIA Leak Scandal: Rove Defied Bush's Command? - Yahoo! News

CIA Leak Scandal: Rove Defied Bush's Command? - Yahoo! News
Rove is cooked is cheney and libby next. obviously if scooter knew, cheney knew and oh
yes probably Bush. i smell impeachment potential...

Deadly bird flu strain confirmed in Turkey - Bird Flu -

h5n1 found in turkey

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ann Coulter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ann Coulter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ann coulter, an alledged expert, on conservatism; a polemical, trivializer of finer edged details. appologist for Bush and the fiscal debacle he and congress have launched.

maligner and obfuscator extraordinaire. at least she can rants persuasively while she dreams up imagined, plausibly logical "real" facts. whatever suits the argument. annie!

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Military (Draft Notice)

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Military (Draft Notice)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

James J. Cramer-The Bottom Line

James Cramer regards Bush and congress profiligate spending disasterous. GOP has lost fiscal displine and doesn't know where to find it.

James suggests preparing for massive inflation and makes several sensible recommendations. particularly not investing in traditional 401k domestic stocks. they'll be a disaster in the next few years.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Avian Flu: Inoculate Your Portfolio

Avian Flu: Inoculate Your Portfolio
Bush is completely unprepared for avian flu, he has vaccine for 2% of the US population,
he and congress spend 50B on Iraq and 3 B on a flu that could kill nearly 100M americans.

talk about screwed up priorities, similar to Katrina, agenda before common sense,
politics before principals, loyalty before competency. Top Worldwide

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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