Saturday, January 14, 2006

Support for DeLay erodes at home, poll finds - Politics -

Support for DeLay erodes at home, poll finds - Politics -

texan's like boldness and effective action,
they don't like criminals and "hammers" who lack

delay is finished and Bush let's him be sacrificed.

U.S. Strike On Al Qaeda Top Deputy Said to Fail

U.S. Strike On Al Qaeda Top Deputy Said to Fail

i hate al queda; they pervert islam.
they claim to conduct their operations in the name
of religious movement; their interpretation is false,
misguided and misleading.

But i'd be quite happy to vaporize binLaden or any of his lieutenants. to disolve the network before more damage can be done.

one has to ask though, US intel seems extremely inept
at execution, almost deliberately so, like what whould happen to a WOT if OBL was caught or killed, Bush' war would be over politically .. his "unitary presidental powers" repealed.

from letting bin Laden go to blowing up innocents. get the bad guys ... but jeez let's just destroy the US name internationally

it's almost deliberate,

and doesn't this send a particularly poor message
to the terrorists... i mean for Christ's or Budda's or
or Mohammed's.. sake..

i have to really question US leadership and intel.
when are we going to hold someone accountable for Intel
problems, tenet, Porter goss it's been 6 years guys..
and if there are any intel wins.. they sure seem few and
far between.

get the bad guys, but don't f up so much.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Abortion Politics - Newsweek Politics -

Abortion Politics - Newsweek Politics -

i like roberts, he's credentialed sensible and reasonable.
roe v wade, is "settled law"

scalioto has been coached, he is not transparent, carries an agenda, from KOS

BorkAlito: Personal Views from KOS
by Armando
Fri Jan 13, 2006 at 01:27:09 PM PDT
One of the things that bothers me the most is this idea that BorkAlito's personal views on abortion are the problem. And that his saying his personal views don't effect his judicial decisionmaking actually means something. For example:
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, who expressed strong opposition to abortion rights two decades ago, pledged Friday that his personal views on the subject "would not be a factor" in his rulings, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said.
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) said Alito had told him in a private meeting that "with respect to his personal views on a woman's right to choose ... that is not a matter to be considered in the deliberation on a constitutional issue of a woman's right to choose. The judicial role is entirely different."
Alito repeated this irrelevancy in the hearings. But I don't care about Alito's personal views of abortion. I care about his personal views of the Constitution:
Most recently, it has been an honor and source of personal satisfaction for me to serve in the office of the Solicitor General during President Reagan's administration and to help to advance legal positions in which I personally believe very strongly. I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion.
As for precedent, Alito said this:
[Alito] made a point of saying both to Senator Specter, and again to Senator Feinstein, that the principle of stare decisis -- respecting a past precedent -- is not `an inexorable command.'
Now of course, these are Alito's "personal views" -- of the law. Does Alito's conception of the "judicial role" mean he is going to vote based on Harry Blackmun's personal views of the law? Of course not.
So Senator Specter, et al., do NOT think you are kidding anybody. You are no more pro-choice than Sam Brownback when it comes to the Alito nomination.
Yes, there are NO pro-choice Republicans.
And all you Democratic Senators who dream of being President someday, remember that Alito is 55, he'll be around for a while. And when you want to call yourself pro-choice when you run for President, I guarantee you someone will be there to remind folks how you voted on the Samuel Alito nomination.

Abortion Politics - Newsweek Politics -

Abortion Politics - Newsweek Politics -

i like roberts, he's credentialed sensible and reasonable.
roe v wade, is "settled law"

scalioto has been coached, he is not transparent, carries an agenda, from KOS

BorkAlito: Personal Views from KOS
by Armando
Fri Jan 13, 2006 at 01:27:09 PM PDT
One of the things that bothers me the most is this idea that BorkAlito's personal views on abortion are the problem. And that his saying his personal views don't effect his judicial decisionmaking actually means something. For example:
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, who expressed strong opposition to abortion rights two decades ago, pledged Friday that his personal views on the subject "would not be a factor" in his rulings, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said.
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) said Alito had told him in a private meeting that "with respect to his personal views on a woman's right to choose ... that is not a matter to be considered in the deliberation on a constitutional issue of a woman's right to choose. The judicial role is entirely different."
Alito repeated this irrelevancy in the hearings. But I don't care about Alito's personal views of abortion. I care about his personal views of the Constitution:
Most recently, it has been an honor and source of personal satisfaction for me to serve in the office of the Solicitor General during President Reagan's administration and to help to advance legal positions in which I personally believe very strongly. I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion.
As for precedent, Alito said this:
[Alito] made a point of saying both to Senator Specter, and again to Senator Feinstein, that the principle of stare decisis -- respecting a past precedent -- is not `an inexorable command.'
Now of course, these are Alito's "personal views" -- of the law. Does Alito's conception of the "judicial role" mean he is going to vote based on Harry Blackmun's personal views of the law? Of course not.
So Senator Specter, et al., do NOT think you are kidding anybody. You are no more pro-choice than Sam Brownback when it comes to the Alito nomination.
Yes, there are NO pro-choice Republicans.
And all you Democratic Senators who dream of being President someday, remember that Alito is 55, he'll be around for a while. And when you want to call yourself pro-choice when you run for President, I guarantee you someone will be there to remind folks how you voted on the Samuel Alito nomination.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

'Families of the Fallen' advocate Iraq timetable - Hardball with Chris Matthews -

'Families of the Fallen' advocate Iraq timetable - Hardball with Chris Matthews -

Chris Matthews sucks... but families of the fallen want some closure.. something this president has no concept of .. given that the "war on terror" in his definition is unbounded deliberating, so he an create "unitary executive power"



Karl Marx predicts globalization capital shifts and flattening (ie capitalists CEOs massive fortune ammassments) 150 years ago

Most Americans view politicians as corrupt, poll finds

Most Americans view politicians as corrupt, poll finds
58% of american's believe they are ill served by their 'widespread corruption' in DC.

the politicians control power in DC, the lobbiest have no power but plenty of money. Delay-ism and the K street project has created a corrupt methodology and infrastructure in DC.

the last thing we need is 2 more leaders from GOP with ties to Abrahamoff and the k street project.

the problem isn't passing more legistlation or ethics rules,
the legal heads and corrupt politicos just weasel around the rules; the answer is kicking every one of the criminals out of america and closing the kstreet project.

pay the politicos 2M/year, and don't permit any campaign contributions, not soft money, hard or otherwise.

let them deal with laws good for america

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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