Friday, July 29, 2005

News Hounds: FOX News Spins John Bolton, Forgets About Karl Rove

News Hounds: FOX News Spins John Bolton, Forgets About Karl Rove

Fox seems to spin the facts on Bolton and Rove, Niger, Uranium and Plame,
should prez appoint a candidate who is under grand jury investigation for potential
involvement in treason or accessory to .

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall

John Bolton, lies on his application about facing the grand jury
regarding his connection to Iraq Niger and the Plame affair.

Prez Bush rewards loyalty (liars) with appointments.
I don't understand why this president populates his
administration with people of questionable ethics
and malfeasance.

Perhaps others have made it available. But at least last night I was not able to find the precise text of the question on which John Bolton failed to report that he'd been interviewed by the 2003 Joint State-CIA IG report on the Niger forgeries.
It's Section E, question 6 and it is as follows ...

Interviews -- Have you been interviewed or asked to supply any information in connection with any administrative (including an inspector general), Congressional or grand jury investigation within the past 5 years, except routine Congressional testimony? If so, provide details.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Think Progress ? DeLay Still Up To Dirty Tricks

Think Progress ? DeLay Still Up To Dirty Tricks

my god, what's it going to take for the US citizens to revolt.
what business does Delay have preaching anything given his
corruption and manipulation.
1.5 Billion for oil companies after the bill leaves committee
our democratic process NOT working.

fire this bastard.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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