Saturday, July 16, 2005

Memo Is a Focus of CIA Leak Probe

Memo Is a Focus of CIA Leak Probe

Bush Administration circulates a memo on Valerie Plane's identity days before she was publically named. curious huh? coincidence maybe this is where Rove read the memo..

Several legal sources said the prosecution has shown strong interest in the State Department memo, which circulated on Air Force One during the Africa trip -- just days before Plame's name was made public in a column by Robert D. Novak.

According to people involved in the case, prosecutors believe that a printout of memo was in the front of Air Force One during a July 7-12 trip Bush took to Africa, but investigators are unsure who reviewed or obtained copies of it. One of the earliest moves by special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald, signaling his aggressive stance, was to get the grand jury to subpoena Air Force One phone logs from the trip, the sources said. Newsweek reported in August 2004 that Powell's testimony before the grand jury focused, in part, on the memo

one must ask, why isn't Novak in jail...
and Rove.. well he'll get Ebers'd soon enough

Friday, July 15, 2005

New York Daily News - Home - Subway, bus safety? Not our problem!

New York Daily News - Home - Subway, bus safety? Not our problem!

maybe our politicians should get us the hell out of Iraq then so we reduce the risk of terrorism on our shores.. and the expense,
congress commits us to war, but won't commit funds to defend the homeland against it..

not my problem.. hm.. wait til next election my friends.

Halley's Comment: RoveGate: Mainstream Media's Last Stand

Halley's Comment: RoveGate: Mainstream Media's Last Stand

WMD.. Rove as chief of staff is the WH quaterback, point man on building the Iraq case for WMD. If Niger wasn't "plausible" an
invasion of Iraq would be hard to justify.

remember, rule 107, Roves Art of War, when under attack, ad hominem attack all contacts and connections.

Source: Rove says reporters told him of Plame - Politics -

Source: Rove says reporters told him of Plame - Politics -

Doh! who told your reporter Karl.. i don't think so mr dirty tricks.

Source: Rove says reporters told him of Plame - Politics -

Source: Rove says reporters told him of Plame - Politics -

Rove, you ID10T... you can't expect anyone to believe this,
you have access to the president and one day a strolling reporter
"told you" who Plane was....

stoop lower lower.. lower...

where is the ethical and moral center of the GOP, McCain,
anyone... speak up... jeez...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall

Josh Writes....

No presidential advisor should ever disclose the identity of a covert agent at the CIA. That doesn't require elaboration.

If it's done knowingly, it's a felony. Joe Wilson could be the biggest hack in the world. Plame could have cooked the whole trip idea up to damage the president -- as some GOP loopsters are now claiming -- and it wouldn't matter.

Rove (and, though we're not supposed to say it yet, several of his colleagues) did something obviously wrong and reckless. And they probably broke several laws by the time it was all done.

maybe with Rove out of the way, we can focus on running a great country rather than winning at all costs using any tactic possible,
legal or illegal...

As a republican, i want the end of the fractures and divisiveness. and end to win at all costs, and some common sense applied to our economy, our war, our country.

the current administration's approach really sucks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Republican National Convention Blog NYC 2004: Karl Rove, Whistleblower

Republican National Convention Blog NYC 2004: Karl Rove, Whistleblower

Rove Whistleblower, i don't think so.
more like agent provocateur....

I know i know, fox....Rove misspoke! that's all.
er ah an helped drive the country into neocon country Iraq.
oh and he didn't break the law because he didn't say
her name.. er precisely.. alluded to it. told the reporter
where to go to fact check it... ..

the point is if the administration had critically analyzed
Wilson's report, someone with a cool head would have
said wait some facts don't check. we might have avoided
alot of messy terrrorism... oh unless of course
someone had already decided to enter Iraq in the first place.

Rove did more damage by trying to suppress a truthful
analysis, by Wilson, and getting us into the war,
based on bogus WMD which was derived from Niger
yellow cake spin, Rove helped to create..

a chess game, each move critical to justifying the war.
unfortunately, now the various, fibs in the chain of
moves are beginning to rustle in the investigatory breeze.
like tumbleweeds...

wonder what we'll find under this one... clem....
it's incredible anyone would attempt to defend any of this.

halley puts it best.
and john robb

I wonder what of all this Bush knew before hand or enroute.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

TPMCafe || Politics, Ideas & Lots Of Caffeine

TPMCafe || Politics, Ideas & Lots Of Caffeine
again, Wittman describes Rove's importance to W, it's doubtful that as long as semantics can be stretched, bent or played, that W will force a resignation, again... the agenda likely continues.

at least W could make a statement so McClellan doesn't have to take arrows... and stonewall...

Rove is savvy, that's why W is, not because he is on his own accord.
he owes everything to Rove and prizes loyalty.. do the math...

White House denials on Rove fall silent - Politics -

White House denials on Rove fall silent - Politics -

Bush said he'd fire the person involved. it isn't about democrats,
liberals, moderates or whatever.

simply credibililty, does W have any credibility and integrity?
we'll see?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: July 10, 2005 - July 16, 2005 Archives

Josh writes,
Rove did spill the beans about Plame in an effort to discredit Joe Wilson. Only he didn't mention the name 'Valerie Plame'. He only spilled the beans about 'Joe Wilson's wife'.

I'm no lawyer. But I'd hate to go into court with my case resting on that distinction.

And remember, the president has certainly known all of this from the beginning.

Josh, not according to this CNN article .....
Bush welcomes probe of CIA leak
'I want to know the truth,' president tells reporters

it's hard to believe the president didn't know all of this...
maybe it was kept from him.. but he'll know now right!

U.K. Memo Cites Plans For Troop Reduction

U.K. Memo Cites Plans For Troop Reduction

LONDON, July 10 -- The United States and Britain are drawing up plans to withdraw the majority of their troops from Iraq by the middle of next year, according to a secret memo written for British Prime Minister Tony Blair by Defense Secretary John Reid.

The paper, which is marked "Secret -- UK Eyes Only," said "emerging U.S. plans assume that 14 out of 18 provinces could be handed over to Iraqi control by early 2006," allowing a reduction in overall U.S.-led forces in Iraq to 66,000 troops. The troop level is now at about 160,000, including 138,000 American troops, according to a military spokesman in Baghdad.

The Political Forecast--Online Magazine: Rove story hits WaPo front page tomorrow

The Political Forecast--Online Magazine: Rove story hits WaPo front page tomorrow

The fact is though, if Rove wanted to prove his innocence so quickly why didn't he just say something in the first place instead of hiding behind Luskin and waiting a year and a half to start admitting something after investigative reporting has revealed all of this. (Well, that and Cooper and Time releasing the notes of Cooper's meeting with Rove)

Obviously Rove couldn't run W's political campaign if he were busy defending himself against treason. Treason is a serious assertion, but nitpicking about whether he used "Plane's name" doesn't constitute innocence. if he speaks to an investigative reporter in the first place, he's hoping they'll "connect the dots"..

Rove understood political pragmatism,
Rove understood W's campaign would have been stillborn without him.
Rove was silent because the system could be worked and delayed, til W won term 2.


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