Saturday, August 13, 2005

Bush: Leaving Iraq Would Be a Bad Signal - Yahoo! News

Bush: Leaving Iraq Would Be a Bad Signal - Yahoo! News

Maybe he should go talk to Sheehan, instead of the media and just listen!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Warming hits 'tipping point'

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Warming hits 'tipping point'

siberian tundra has begun to melt first time since last ice age 11k years ago

tompeters! management consulting leadership training development project management

tompeters! management consulting leadership training development project management
tom on keeping your word - Bush motorcade passes anti-war mom's protest - Aug 12, 2005 - Bush motorcade passes anti-war mom's protest - Aug 12, 2005

bush goes to fundraiser but remains unwilling to talk directly with Cindy Sheehan. - Business - Survey: Many Fear Consequences of Fuel Prices - Business - Survey: Many Fear Consequences of Fuel Prices

Bush promised big benefits to his wealthy constituents, and generally ignored the average American, with his massive tax cuts for America's elite.

now, the natives are getting restless, the Iraq bungle has not put more oil on line, incompetent underestimates of insurgents capabilities and strenght, and troop levels required to install true security are leading causes. And granting contracts to US companies and letting high unemployment continue in Iraq can't be a stability inducer.

overall, it show Bush massively out of touch or incapable of examining the plight of the average citizen or Iraqi and creatively enabling all citizens not just the power brokers.

America is beginning to simmer.

T Boone pickens predicts 75/barrel, oil. has failed to get the oil production to pre war levels,

Bush offers sympathy to Vacaville mother / Woman undeterred as anti-war vigil grows in Texas

Bush offers sympathy to Vacaville mother / Woman undeterred as anti-war vigil grows in Texas

Yet another day, with neither compassion and communication present, but PR and spin ever-present. a PR disaster continues to amplify down in Crawford, Texas,

why wouldn't the most powerful man in the world agree to meet
and listen to a women whose son gave the ultimate sacrifice for
his policies...

ignorant, arrogant, absurd.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Able Dangerous By Laurel?Wamsley

Able Dangerous By Laurel?Wamsley

the Bush administration lacks the capacity to intecept meaningful
intelligence and translate that information into action. here was
a prime example, with Atta.

the Bushies are however, rather skilled at avoiding responsibility, blaming
others for their inept handlings and generally working PR versus creating
substantative results.

this is yet another major Bushonian .. F foul up
no surprises here.

arrogance, impedes perception and awareness. Our president exudes arrogance.

Telegraph | News | Brush-off for mother in war protest

Telegraph | News | Brush-off for mother in war protest

more arrogance from the president, a PR disaster unfolding,
and no empathy or compassion...

ID10T alert.

More pain at the pump coming this weekend - Automotive -

More pain at the pump coming this weekend - Automotive -

Bush is so mediocre and uninfluential.
the president theGOP and congress do nothing substantial for Americans by insisting oil companies invest in new refining capacity,
no it's business as usual.

lobbiest, corruption scandals, tom delay, Plame, Iraq, etc etc.
this president truly sucks.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Soldier's mother in Bush protest

BBC NEWS | Americas | Soldier's mother in Bush protest

Arrogant Bush still refuses to meet with Cindy Sheehan over loss of son.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Bush signs energy bill

Bush and Congress sign the energy bill, but do nothing to substantial to improve the US strategic dependence on oil, or to lower gasoline or oil prices.

No, instead, they give tax incentives and pork to oil companies, but don't insist on improved refining capacity or any sort of concessions.

Our congress and our president insincerely operate with America's strategic future. it's a damn shame our citizens accept this corrupt behavior.

i hope the GOP and Delay, Frist and the whole gaggle or corrupt politicians are somehow made accountable for so damaging America and her legacy.

Sunday, August 07, 2005 - U.S. & World - Terrorist Gripes About Iraqi Al Qaeda Leaders - U.S. & World - Terrorist Gripes About Iraqi Al Qaeda Leaders

AQ's Iraq campaign, flawed, and incompetent per this report.

Iraqi terrorists prove lethal and effective, whatever their composition. Iraqi's should ask what's in it for them, AQ has their own agenda, and they
keep "changing their story".

the AQ objectives seem to be fomenting civil unrest, civil war and chaos. they aren't an organizing force, but a disorganizing and destructive force.
they aren't building anything in Iraq, just destroying things, whether its
attempts at democracy, providing infrastucture, or social organizations.

neocons are same, they have their own agenda which steers form
and composition of iraqi and makes America look duplicitious.

read this account of a "successful" 4th generation soldier from John Robb. this is how Iraqi's win, US citizens wins and the terrorist suck wind. Our military command and control makes this difficult...
so we all sit in a stalemate, day by day, with body counts rising.
still leaving the root causes of terrorism, unattended.

clearly our counter insurgent strategies are equally poor. we've done little
to substantitively build Iraqi security and infrastructure. - Soldier's mom digs in near Bush ranch - Aug 7, 2005 - Soldier's mom digs in near Bush ranch - Aug 7, 2005

Bush refuses to meet with Cindy Sheehan's whose 24-year-old son -- Army Spc. Casey Sheehan of Vacaville, California -- was killed in Baghdad's Sadr City on April 4, 2004.

Bush refused to openly discuss Ms Sheehan's loss and kept changing the subject. She asks for a new meeting, He stonewalls.

Karl Rove: Known in Gay Circles as 'Miss Piggy' (

Karl Rove: Known in Gay Circles as 'Miss Piggy' (

Karl Rove Gay???
if this is true it's hard to believe political operative wouldn't have had a field day with this.... His behavior however does sort of map into classical sterotypical behavior... again.. is this true...?
Karl? is it possible.

Location: san francisco, California, United States

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